Ciirus Connector

CiiRUS is a full vacation rental software suite ideally suited for companies with at least 10 properties. Our software is fully equipped with website design, online booking, CRM, booking channel services, property management tools and more to help you grow your business! Vendors, House Keepers and Staff can access CiiRUS via their own dedicated platforms keeping you up-to-date 24/7. Your Home Owners will always be kept in the loop with their own online portal.

These are the top entities you can get with Ciirus Connector

Direct Booking Website
Work with our in-house web developers on your own mobile-friendly booking site. Leverage SEO & marketing tools to take your brand to the next level.
Cleaning & Maintenance
Managing cleaning, maintenance, & inspections with software has never been easier. Create deeply customizable checklists & tasks for property care staff, & track it all from the cutting-edge mobile app.
Owners & Trust Accounting
Centrally track all income & expenses, charge or pay owners, & distribute branded owner statements directly from the software.

Sync your data to any of the supported destinations