Etsy Connector

Etsy is an online marketplace that connects buyers and sellers from all around the world. It specializes in handmade and vintage products, as well as unique factory-manufactured items. With millions of active users, Etsy provides a global platform for small and independent businesses to sell their products and reach a broader audience. Etsy's platform includes features such as seller ratings, buyer reviews, and personalized recommendations, which help to ensure a safe and reliable buying experience. Etsy is a trusted and established platform that supports creativity and entrepreneurship, providing a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for businesses to succeed in the e-commerce world.

Top Etsy Entities

Allows businesses to manage and process customer orders made through Etsy's platform. It enables businesses to retrieve important order information, such as customer details, payment and shipping information, and order status. This endpoint also enables businesses to update and fulfill orders, track shipping information, and handle refunds and cancellations. By using the Order Endpoint, businesses can efficiently manage their online sales and customer orders, streamline their operations, and provide an excellent buying experience for their customers.
Allows businesses to manage and track their shipping operations for orders made through Etsy's platform. This endpoint enables businesses to create and manage shipping labels, retrieve tracking information, and update order status. It provides real-time updates on shipping status, including estimated delivery times and delivery confirmation. By using the Shipments Endpoint, businesses can streamline their shipping process, ensure timely and accurate delivery, and enhance their customers' overall experience. This endpoint is a powerful tool that helps businesses manage their shipping operations efficiently and effectively, saving time and resources while providing excellent customer service.
Enables businesses to manage and update their product inventory for their online store. This endpoint allows businesses to create, retrieve, update, and delete product listings, including product name, description, price, images, and inventory levels. It also enables businesses to manage product variations and options. By utilizing the Inventory Endpoint, businesses can easily manage their product catalog, keep their inventory up-to-date, and ensure that their customers have accurate and relevant product information. This endpoint is a powerful tool that helps businesses optimize their online sales and customer experience by effectively managing their product inventory.

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