Noiseaware Connector

NoiseAware is a privacy-safe smart home solution that protects your property(s) inside and outside. The Indoor and Outdoor Sensors monitor noise levels at your property and will alert you through your Dashboard or Mobile App when the noise levels go over your set thresholds.

These are the top entities for the Noiseaware Connector

Privacy-Safe Noise Monitoring
Fix Guest Noise Issues Before They Lead To Complaints. Privacy-safe noise monitoring gives you insight into what’s happening at your property between check-in and check-out, and tools to resolve noise quickly. So you can fix vacation-rental noise problems before they lead to neighbor complaints, expensive fines, parties or property damage.
Automated Noise Resolution
Meet AutoResolve. The first automated noise resolution service, proven to solve 90% of all noise issues without your involvement, saving you time and hassle, and ensuring your property and profits stay safe.
With our new CrowdControl feature, we alert you when occupancy levels are on the rise. Combined with our privacy-safe noise detection and AutoResolve guest messaging, we give you the tools you need to protect your property, guests and neighborhood.

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