Expedia Connector

Expedia Connector Documentation

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How to use the Expedia Connector.

MovingLake has created a dedicated Expedia connector with which you can get all your host account’s information where you need it. This connector is not a real-time connector, however it does plumb through all the data once per hour.


We connect to your Expedia account using your login credentials. You need to make sure you can login to your account using an email and a password. Once that’s verified then it’s just a matter of using these credentials on app.movinglake.com.

Following are the entities extracted by the Expedia API Connector:

  • Reservations: Pull all past and future reservations whether pending to be accepted, accepted, completed or canceled.
  • Calendars: Pull each day of the calendar with status, price and reservation if any.
  • Listings: Get detail of all your AirBnB’s listings whether active or inactive.
  • Reviews: Get the reviews from each of your user’s stays with details on each aspect of the review.
  • Users: Pull data on all the users that have stayed with you or will be staying at one of your properties.
  • Host analytics: Get performance data on all of your stays.
  • Transactions: Get details of all financial transactions which have happened on your account.