Ebay Connector
eBay is a leading e-commerce platform that connects buyers and sellers from all around the world. It offers a diverse range of products and services, from electronics to fashion, home goods, and more. With millions of active users, eBay provides a global marketplace for businesses of all sizes to sell their products and reach a broader audience. eBay's platform includes features such as bidding, instant purchasing, and seller ratings, which help to ensure a safe and reliable buying experience. eBay is a trusted and established platform that continues to evolve and innovate, providing a comprehensive suite of tools and resources for businesses to succeed in the e-commerce world.
Redshift Destination
Amazon Redshift is a data warehouse product which forms part of the larger cloud-computing platform Amazon Web Services. It is built on top of technology from the massive parallel processing (MPP) data warehouse company ParAccel (later acquired by Actian), to handle large scale data sets and database migrations.[3] Redshift differs from Amazon's other hosted database offering, Amazon RDS, in its ability to handle analytic workloads on big data data sets stored by a column-oriented DBMS principle. Redshift allows up to 16 petabytes of data on a cluster compared to Amazon RDS Aurora's maximum size of 128 tebibytes.